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About Us
Rent Peek is democratizing the rental landscape by providing transparency on rent prices. We're fed up with trying to guess how much we'll actually pay for that apartment we found on that listing site.
That's why we are putting the power back in the hands of renters like you. When you share your rent data, you are helping increase the transparency of the NYC rental market.
Crazy easy. Crazy impactful.
See what users are saying
Find out what gets renters so excited about using RentPeek.
I've been looking for something like this for year. Increased transparency helps drive down costs. It's about time that we started pushing back on landlords.
Caleb G.
It is SOOO frustrating dealing with brokers in NYC trying to figure out what the actual rent is for an apartment. Rent Peek makes that process so much easier.
Vishal P.
My landlord got mad at me for asking him what the person down the hall was paying! This is a much better way and now I don’t have to feel weird asking.
Claire R.